Rooted in the love of Christ, we grow in grace and joyfully branch into a broken world.
2570 St. Peter's Church Rd
Salisbury, NC 28146
(704)279-5054 Office
(704)209-1693 Preschool
Sunday School 9:30
Worship 10:30 Sunday Mornings
Previous worship services can be accessed by clicking the Facebook or YouTube icons above. Once on YouTube, click on the LIVE tab for the most recent services.
Rowan Helping Ministries
The people at Saint Peter’s have a long history of serving at Rowan Helping Ministries. Along
with serving dinner regularly, Saint Peter’s also hosts Rowan Helping Ministries East the second and third of each month Saturday 9am-noon. Part of the food given is raised right here in our Garden Ministry. You can learn more about Rowan Helping Ministries by clicking HERE.

Our Global Connections
We are a congregation of the North Carolina Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The connections of this congregation with the larger church bring us together with other congregations to share in the work of the larger church. Below are some examples of specific ministries that Saint Peter’s supports. Some examples are:
Malaria Campaign
As part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, we recently met our goal of raising $15 million to purchase mosquito nets. These nets prevent mosquitoes from spreading malaria. These efforts have touched 13 countries in Africa.
ELCA World Hunger
1 in 8 people around the world live in constant hunger and are unable to lead active lives. Our partnership with the ELCA helps to fight hunger in the United States and around the world. The goal of ELCA World Hunger is to address the root causes of hunger. Because of this, we provide more than just food. We train people how to farm more effectively. We provide microloans. We dig wells. We provide health clinics. As Christ’s hands and feet, we are called to serve all people.