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List of Pastors

General Information

Worship FAQ

What time is worship? 
Worship begins at 10:30am each Sunday. 

What is worship like at St. Peter’s? 
Worship at St. Peter’s is Spirit filled! We pray together, we read scripture together, and we listen to God speaking through the Bible together. 

What do Lutherans believe about Communion? 
Lutherans believe that it is the body and blood of Jesus Christ. He is truly present in the bread and the wine, offering forgiveness of sins. 

Do I need to "dress up" for worship at St. Peter's? 
Only if you are most comfortable that way! Come as you are.


What is a Lutheran?

Lutherans are Christians who believe Jesus is our Lord and Savior and head of the church on earth.


Lutheran beliefs may be summarized with three questions and answers:

What is the authority for Lutherans? 
We believe the Bible is inspired by the Spirit of God and is still relevant for people today. 

How are people brought into relationship with God? 
God’s Grace. Jesus Christ died and rose again for the forgiveness of sins and, in doing so, returns people to a right relationship with God. This is a gift from God. People do nothing to earn God’s love or grace. We also believe people have the ability to receive or reject this grace. Either way, God continues to love, pursue and welcome all people. 

How do people receive this grace? 
Through faith in God. Faith is a gift that is constantly offered to people by God. God continually seeks people out, offering them new life by grace through faith. “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God—not the result of works, so that no one may boast.” (Ephesians 2:8–9 NRSV) 

Links for further study: 
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s Statement of Faith 

Wikipedia’s Article about Lutheranism

Lutheran FAQ


Installation Picture_edited_edited.jpg

Rev. Sue Lynn White
704-279-5054 (Office)
770-833-1922 (Cell)


Lucy Shue




Currently Vacant


Jennifer (2).jpg

Preschool Director

Charleene Childers



Financial Secretary

Jennifer Welch



History of Saint Peters Lutheran Church

St. Peter’s Lutheran Church had its original beginning in 1744 when a Hickory Church was built on church grounds. The building was used for some 28 years by Lutherans and German Reformed groups. The early settlers held services regularly under the direction of a lay reader using the German language. By 1773 the Hickory Church was no longer used due to other churches being established by the Lutherans and the Reformed. About 1830 some Lutherans in the original church wanted to continue to have a church in the community. A small group of Lutherans of the Tennessee Synod gathered together to build a church that was named Krauth Memorial Lutheran Church. A three acre tract of land was purchased form Jacob Fullenwider for $12.00, on which a frame church 30’ by 40’ was built. Little is known about the membership of this newly organized congregation but it is thought that about twelve stauch members made up this group. The following people may have been among the first members: Jacob Fullenwider, Henry Miller, Sr., Henry Miller, Jr., Katie Barnhart, Frederick Josey, John Eller, Charles Eller, and some Goodmans. The Krauth Church was left unfinished on the inside when it was built. Some Lutherans from the North Carolina Synod got permission from the Tennessee Synod to finish the frame church. Some time after 1832 a gallery was built on three sides and a high pulpit. The church was jointly owned by the North Carolina and Tennessee Synods. About 1855, Rev. Samuel Rothrock and Rev. J. A. Linn, Sr., began holding services with the congregation. This resulted in the organization of a congregation in sympathy with the North Carolina Synod. In 1858 the congregation was received into the North Carolina Synod and the name was officially changed from Krauth Memorial to St. Peter’s Lutheran Church. It was in this church that many of the prominent families of St. Peter’s Church was baptized, catechized, and confirmed; the Trexler’s Lyerly’s, Brown’s, Miller’s, Holshouser’s, Misenheimer’s, and Kluttz’s. A third church was built on the site in 1883 during the pastorate of Rev. T. H. Strohecker. This frame church was 40’ by 60’ and would seat about 300 people. During the dedication service on June 29, 1884, a cornet and organ were used to accompany the congregation in worship. Transcepts and Sunday School rooms were added to the church in 1924 under the leadership of Rev. B. M. Clark. The church chancel was remodeled in 1924 to bring the church setting into more harmony with Lutheran usage. The first homecoming celebration was held at St. Peter’s on September 6, 1925. The 100th anniversary of St. Peter’s was celebrated on August 21, 1932 with Rev. A. K. Hewitt preaching the sermon. A church hut was constructed in 1947 for additional Sunday School classroom’s during the pastorate of Rev. O. G. Swicegood. In 1947 St. Peter’s Church decided along with St. Matthew’s, its sister church, to become self supporting. Rev. Paul L. Morgan became the first full-time pastor in September 1947. A church parsonage was built in 1949 on a lot given by Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Myers. In 1950 a church building fund was started to build a fourth church under the leadership of Rev. E. A. Dasher. In 1954, Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Holshouser gave a tract of land on which to build a new church. Groundbreaking services for a new church were begun in February on 1957 with the new church being completed in 1958 during the pastorate of Rev. Curtis K. Wise, Sr. The church with a 450 seating capacity, Sunday School classrooms and fellowship hall with a debt of $182,000.00 was paid off during the pastorate of Rev. Glenn A. Miller. During Rev. Miller’s ministry at St. Peter’s he was instrumental in leading four sons of the congregation into full time church service as pastors. They were the Rev. Floyd Sides, the Rev. Hollis Miller, The Rev. Gary Lyerly, and the Rev. Johnny Cozart. In 1976 a two acre tract of land was given to the congregation by Mr. & Mrs. Everette C. Brown to be used as additional cemetery space under the pastorate of Rev. John E. Pless. In October of 1980 a new Casavant Pipe Organ was purchased. 

List of Pastors at Saint Peters

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